Just a Dollar a Day Can Make You Feel Like a Million Bucks



Sixty years ago I was rewarded big time for giving $1 to the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. I was sitting cross-legged in front of our black-and-white TV set when I heard Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin announce that Lois Schneider from Hollis, Queens donated a dollar to help discover a cure. I was so shocked and exhilarated by that announcement that the feeling has lasted with me for years.

Today, giving to good causes still makes me feel very special. That’s why my ears perked up when I heard that Google created a mobile app which promotes the $1 donation. The basic idea is to teach people more about charities. Entitled, “One Today,” the new nonprofit allows you to contribute $1 to any group that captures your interest. You can also share projects with friends on social media in order to encourage them to pitch in.

Like Amazon and iTunes, the app will eventually make recommendations to you based on your other choices. The charities featured on “One Today” are all participants in the Google for Nonprofits program. This is going to be very interesting. Unfortunately, that app is only available on Android, the Google format.

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