Calling All Super Bowl Shoppers

A whole new concept in shopping will be making its debut during the Katy Perry Super Bowl XLIX halftime show. This one is targeted to women.

While the singer/dancer will be showing off all of her latest moves, a company named Delivery Agent, will be pitching her limited edition branded products on Twitter, YouTube, Shazam, Roku, Samsung and LG Electronics.

Deliver Agent is an interactive e-commerce company and is the mastermind behind the sales pitch. Variety and USA Today explain e-commerce shopping works.


The merchandise being offered this Sunday will stay on sale for a few days. If this concept is successful, expect more e-commerce specialty products to be offered on multi-platforms.

In Other News

Image from Facebook

Experiencing Euphoria

If you have ever experienced a big win on a computer project, then you know what euphoria feels like. I was reminded of it yesterday, when I watched The Imitation Game.

I just had to show you the euphoria in The Imitation Game. It was absolutely thrilling to watch computer scientist, Alan Turing and his team crack the Nazi Germany’s naval Enigma code. It was utter happiness.

Have a great day.

It would be so grand, if we could all feel like this all the time.


Air Scares

There is a new trend on Twitter that I’m really unhappy about. Pranksters, pretending to be ISIS members, are tweeting that there are bombs aboard certain flights.

NBC Brian Williams reports in the video above that 20 flights since last Saturday were detained or detoured because of security concerns. Williams names the flights and the departure and arrival cities.

Everyone knows that I’m not the greatest flyer. I act like every flight is my maiden voyage. Even though it has been explained to me 20 times, I still do not understand how airplanes stay in the air. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

Having said that, I’m flying at least once or twice a month. If I was on an airplane and I spotted a threatening tweet about my specific flight, I was collapse in hysterics. Nothing worse than waiting it out. Thirty minutes is like 30 hours.

I proud to report that Twitter is closing down every account that makes public threats. They are screening for any mischievous acts. Nothing will be tolerated. Arrests will be made.

Social media is getting a little too anti-social for me. Stop it.



Turn Your Smartphone Into A Polaroid Camera

Every once in a while, I get the urge to print out one of my digital photos. I would do it more often but it is always such a hassle.

Not anymore. A young French company, called Prynt, is very close to introducing a way to turn your smartphone into a Poloroid camera.

Prynt CEO, Clément Perrot, said that they created a smartphone case with a built-in photo printer. This is how it works. The companion app sends photos to the case via Bluetooth and then prints it by heating paper filled with ink. The process only takes about 30 seconds.

It’s quite remarkable and I was very impressed when I saw the first demonstration of this technology. Watch it on the two videos I have included here.

The case retails approximately at $99. Paper is extra. The company is currently raising money on Kickstarter and should be in full production shortly.

Turn That Phone Off

I don’t want to insult anyone over 50, but I can always find the senior most person in a theater, a wedding, a lecture, and even a funeral. Their phone rings at the most inopportune time. We are all warned to turn off our cells before the official program starts. Somehow, the older person doesn’t feel this request applies to him or her.

What’s worse, when their cell rings, that person doesn’t know how to turn that phone off fast. So we are all forced to listen to the disturbing ring several times. Here is a tip from “Pogue’s Basic’s” to immediately shut that phone.

“Just press any physical button on the side or top of the cell. Press the power button, for example, or one of the volume keys. Often, just wrapping your fingers around the phone and squeezing hard does the trick; you’ll hit one of the buttons in the process. And the phone will stop ringing. Your caller will still hear the phone-ringing sound, but the call will go to voice mail.”

I hope that finally cures embarrassing senior moments.

On a lighter note, here are some photos that will take you down memory lane. Thank you, Sheri Lesser, my LA friend, for sharing.

















<a href="https://


Photo from the New York Post


Sorry, baby boomers, but this is the year the millennial generation (ages 18 to 34) is projected to overtake your cohorts, ages 51 to 69. The Pew Research Center says there are 75.3 million of them and only 74.9 million of you left. Its easy-to-read chart shows the Gen Xers (ages 35 to 50) won’t outnumber boomers until 2028.
This information was buried in a New York Times article.


Thank you Sheri Lesser for sharing.

Fake Tattoos From Instagrams




I’m always on the search for creative gifts, especially digital ones. I like giving out things no one ever saw before. It’s fun to explore new concepts.

Here is one that is totally inexpensive yet perfect for children two to 20. I can even see some older folks using the Picattoo as a funky thing to do as well.

Picattoo is an app that converts Instagram pictures into fake tattoos. Instagram is an online photo-sharing service. Priced at $14.99, you can get a pack of 12 fake tattoos called “Insta-tats.” All you have to do is access your Instagram photos through the Picattoo app and choose the 12 ones you want converted. It’s that easy.

This new concept was developed by Ink361, a company from the Netherlands. They actually use a laser printer to make the temporary tattoos. The tattoos usually last a week. The app offers an FAQ, (frequently asked questions) section for further questions.

Have fun!

YouTube Debuts “The Creator Show”

The genius of YouTube is so overwhelming. There are endless opportunities for all of us who want to be educated or entertained. I don’t think enough senior folks understand its true value.

There is a YouTube video for almost any topic you could ever want to know about. Just try typing in an esoteric topic in the YouTube search box and I guarantee there are several videos that will explain the subject or exact information to you in great detail.

Now YouTube is producing a show called, “The Creator Show” that will give new features and tips for anyone who wants to create a video. YouTube producer Rob Polonsky came up with the concept because he feels the video community is always interested in more creative ideas. He has cast prominent YouTubers who serve as educators. The twice-monthly series will feature such YouTube stars as Grace Helbig and PrankvsPrank who talk about their projects, creative process and experiences on (and off) the video platform

Digiday, a marketing newsletter, reported that “The YouTube Creators channel has around 97,000 subscribers. The first “Creator Show” episode, released last month, has roughly 13,000 views so far, while the second episode, released last week, has already racked up 18,000. Both were shot at the New York YouTube Space, but future episodes will venture to other YouTube Spaces and events around the world.”

Microsoft Jumps Into Interactive Board Biz

I wanted to show you what the modern day conference room looks like. All kinds of space age stuff is going on. Back in the day, we used to have a chalk board that was used to demonstrate a product, service, or theory.

Today there are huge tablets that are called interactive whiteboards. To really see these boards in action, watch the video. The latest interactive board comes from Microsoft, aptly named the Surface Hub. It’s a 84″ 4k whiteboard which is fully loaded with sensors, speakers, WiFi, microphones, cameras and more. It also allows you to mark up presentations with a pen.

I have seen whiteboards in action and they just amaze me. I wish they had them when I was heavily involved in the corporate world. I may have paid more attention.

James Patterson’s Vanishing Book

Leave it to James Patterson to figure out a whole new way to market books. The author. who has sold over 300 million copies of his books, is the leader in issuing the world’s first self-destructing book.

In the age of digital technology, Patterson is offering the first 1000 of his fans, the chance to get a free digital copy of his new book. Private Vegas. The big surprise is that the copy of the book will only be available for 24 hours. Then it gets electronically erased.

Readers will literally see a countdown clock on the top of their screen. It reminds me of the TV show, “Beat The Clock.” It’s going to be very interesting to see how the public reacts to this marketing ploy. I’m sure there are plenty of good readers who will love getting Private Vegas as a gift and then challenge themselves to read faster then the ticking clock.

It becomes a whole new game for book readers. In fact, I think Patterson may even gain some new fans just because they want to take on the challenge of racing against time.

The hard cover version of the book will be available to the general public on January 26th. Fans who want more information on the digital copies, can reference Mashable’s article on the subject.